With only slowing down you use regular brakes.
With building a blocked coaster use block brakes.
To make a limited speed multiple LIM coaster use block brakes.
Block brakes only go up to 67.11 mph. If you want your coaster to go faster than that using block brakes use them up high and shoot your train down a hill. It will give you a higher speed.
If building a blocked coaster you can use the coasters control panel as you build the ride to monitor the trains speed using the graph. This helps in setting the block brake speed when entering the next blocked section so your train moves through the brake section smoothly without it slowing down or speeding up.
This is a very good tutorial on building a blocked coaster.
When I use either I space them out leaving a piece of flat track between them and increase or decrease the speed of each one by 2 to 4 mph so you get a more gradual deceleration or acceleration instead of a quick jerking motion.
You can use CS LIMS to cover the block brakes and the gaps between them so it looks like one continuos LIM.
Most people use ATH Catwalks. They can be used with the coaster nets or their own center floor sections. Coaster Goodies is helpful, it has the LIM cover that I use. Coaster Essentials: Brakes has every style of brake you can imagine to put over your normal brakes.
There are two different versions of Weber's Aged Footers. V2.1 is recolorable. You can get all of his CS on his website here.
He also has all of MGP's(MyGirlPepper) stuff there under the "Other" tab.