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Vote for your favorite track! Round 222

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 222 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Torrential Tyrant

[Image: 569f12689fde7.jpg]

#2: Side Split

[Image: 569f4319a1967.jpg]

#3: Rambler

[Image: 569fe3ba56dce.jpg]

#4: Mustang

[Image: 56a00c2d29596.png]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Wednesday, January 27
I voted for rambler, I just really liked it.
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Oooh, 2 RCT2's a RCT3, and a NL2! Not the best round, but a good one nonetheless.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
If the rounds keep coming like this it'll take me ages to vote... Certainly not cut and dry like it used to be! lol

My initial thoughts:

Torrential Tyrant:
Good coaster, not sure if it's a winner but good nevertheless.

Side Split:
Just when I think you're going to run out of names with "split" in them I'm proved wrong lol, this splitter is probably my favorite of the bunch.

Instantly knew this was a part of your Gardens just from the look of the buildings. Nice little woodie you have here and I appreciate the reference to Crystal Beach. (Just so you know though engineers work on coasters not architects lol).

Not bad..... don't think I'd vote for it though..... I understand it's NL2 but there are plenty of ways as we've seen in the past to make it look as though it isn't in the middle of nowhere.

No idea when I'll have in-depth feedback but I'll definitely provide it within the week we're allotted to vote.
Team CoasterTech

(Jan 20, 2016, 10:25 PM)ChrisMDB Wrote:  (Just so you know though engineers work on coasters not architects lol).

This is Brookwood Gardens, where one of the roller coasters was constructed entirely by monks. Considering that management only had 12 dollars to spend, and all the materials were acquired illegally, finding a group of willing architects was a lucky enough break. Had we waited for a ruffian gang of roller coaster engineers to show up, the ride may have never been built and Brookwood Gardens as we know it would not exist.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
ChrisMDB I took your advice and tried to improve the terrain which I think looks much better than my last build it entry.
@Terry - I should have figured you'd find a creative narrative to make it all make sense in the end lol

@ctg614 - I'm assuming Mustang is the one you entered as you're the NL2 player of the group (Excluding Terry cuz I could have spotted his out a mile away without need of a description lol). The terraforming IS much better, my only thing is that the area around the coaster is still fairly empty :/
Team CoasterTech

Thanks for the suggestion. I will take it into mind. Smile
I voted for Mustang because I love RMC (even though I've never ridden one) and the crazy track layout which surprised me at every turn.
Sincerely, No Limits 2 Master
TBH, nothing caught my eye.
User Thread: https://forums.rctgo.com/thread-23653-po...#pid133975

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