Really? Yvetal? It's not that great of a coaster.... and the RCT2 entries (ALL of them) are better than it.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Guitarist-To Obtain the Ashes
Yveltal is a good coaster just the name doesn't match the ride and it's too generic for build it honestly, more scenery is sometimes better
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
Perhaps Justin can shed some light on the situation sense people seem to be curious about the outcome of the votes. As we all know though not everyone always leaves a comment when they vote.
Guitarist-To Obtain the Ashes
If I vote in a round that I'm not entered it I usually dont post
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
What I find suspicious is how people base their vote. Most of them go for RCT3 and NoLimits entries when they stand well at first view, and it can result to a one-sided round in their favor. I saw that a few times here, for example Kraftvoll as the winner of round 236 and Paradise Dive from round 233. I don't know if the game they come from has a major influence on people's vote, and I hope that's not the case, because it would be unfair for RCT1 and RCT2 entries.
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
Coaster Enthusiast
We aren't confused on what happened - one simply got 15 while the other got 14. We just don't understand why people vote for worse-quality entries. It'd also be nice if the "Ghost-Users" on the site that vote and download but never comment would actually do so if they vote. At the very least it'd be nice if the "Ghost-Users" were to actually look at each entry, as I'm sure some see a 3D entry and just go "Well it's the newest and it's 3D so it has to be good."
Again, I don't have anything against Yveltal - it isn't a bad coaster - I just don't feel it should have received as many votes as it did because it simply isn't as good as people voted it to be. Perhaps a new rule where people need a certain number of posts/downloads/high enough community rating to vote? I'm not trying to keep a ton of people away from the poles but it would prevent over inflated vote counts off of the 3D entries.
Team CoasterTech
I agree with both of you. I feel there should be a rule that you MUST be a member of RCTgo to vote, and not some willy nilly person.
Yes, Yvetal is a GOOD coaster, but not a great coaster.
Unfortunately, the silent majority seem to only go for 3D games. It makes me sad and mad because there've been great RCT2 and RCT1 entries that were just purely overlooked because of the silent majority. It needs to stop.
Maybe then may I get another win, or others who just do RCT2.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!