I had some time and i play around with RCT3.
I'm not a good tutorial makerin, so i can only post screens
I build two different Cobra-Roll's with custom supports. Only the large versions.
The small version has one differents, it has less supports, because its way smaller and it needs less.
As an better example i create the colors like there counterparts in real.
For this, i used "Kraken" an B&M Floorless and "Alpengeist" an B&M Inverter.
Remember, for the Inverted coasters we didn't have Connectors so i played massively around with "CPcisco'sSteel Chaos (MSJ Addons)" and "Moby's SteelJungle v1"
Used CSO's:
"CoasterJoesB&M Connectors" -> for the Floorless
"CPcisco'sSteel Chaos (MSJ Addons)" -> most for the Inverted Supports
"Moby's Steel Jungle v1" -> for both
CPciscosB&M Footers -> for both
I made/wrote a mistake in my previews post!
Cobra-Roll's looks only good if you build the Large Half-Loop to the outside direction on both sides and between the Large Corkscrew.
Let's begin with "Kraken" Floorless:
real version
RCT3 version
now "Alpengeist" Inverter:
real version
RCT3 version
As you can see, the real ones have way more supports, but with the limitation of the connectors i couldn't build all of the real supports. Another problem was, that the half-loops have an direction in it so we cant place an connector on every position that the counterpart in real has.
Okay we could place one but than the connector glitches on the track and that looks ugly.
I think there are some other ways to support them, maybe less realistic but maybe a bit nicer.
But i want to build as realistic as possible with every CSO we have, so thats the result.
I hope these pics have halfway good quality and help you out.
If someone wants to made a Tutorial, feel free to use my pics for it.
Maybe i made an tutorial for every Inversion that we can build.
If you want pictures from an small Cobra-Roll, too. Let me know, than i'll update this post.
Lg Cheleste