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Hi Guys,
I know you haven't seen me much. I've been doing other things. I'm still playing RCT though. I just posted 2 new youtube vids and I made a new RCT2 coaster. Still, I want you to know: IT"S NOT ABOUT COMPETITION AND REALISM! It's about having FUN! And you guys, while you may enjoy making realistic coasters for competitions, that is okay! You like to do that! But I think you all are getting way too competitive! Stop complaining about losing Build it! If you won, yippee!, but still, I think you should have FUN playing RCT, not getting frustrated making a new "realistic coaster!"
"But people won't like it when its not realistic!" you guys say. You sound like 2-year-olds!

This is what rccoa has been trying to say, but you won't listen. SO LISTEN!!!!!!!!

-Slurpee_Man, Half Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Half Groot
                                                           Total coasters ridden: 66
Soon to be more. Cedar Point, Silver Dollar City, and Six flags St. Louis are all upcoming for me. Also possibly Kings Island!

why does the title say "including silvarret"....? people play rct3 the way they want too, and if people get mad over build it, then that's their own problem
(Sep 6, 2014, 05:30 PM)Drew_ Wrote: why does the title say "including silvarret"....? people play rct3 the way they want too, and if people get mad over build it, then that's their own problem

you beat me too it......
[Image: cooltext119149321119276.png]
I have no idea what's going on here, but I'm not one to force people into playing the game in someway.
All we need is somebody to lean on.
Respectfully, I think people have different views of what "fun" is for them. Perhaps being more "realistic" is what they want and enjoy. All though I do agree that the build it competition is getting a little out of hand, I still think its great to have. I think Silvarret is one of the best designers when it comes to RCT3 game. I have learned a lot from him. I wish people on this site would stop taking things so personally and taking their frustrations out on certain individuals who have incredible talent.
why is this thread even a thing?
(Sep 7, 2014, 12:39 PM)SUPER MOOSE93 Wrote: why is this thread even a thing?

I have no idea.
(Sep 7, 2014, 02:41 AM)Silvarret Wrote: I have no idea what's going on here, but I'm not one to force people into playing the game in someway.
Than we are two, i have also no clue what's going on here and why you should be a part of that?!

If some members have problems with others, why they won't use the PM-system to sort there problems out?!
Privat problems shouldn't be post in puplic threads and i think that this isn't an community problem.

I can say that everything i've seen/read from "Silvarret" in the past was friendly, nice and honest.
If he gives feedback he "never" attacks the creators personal!

Well, the fact that most of us loves more realistic creations could be, that we are out of the age to building only "fun" & "unreal" stuff with the game.
I think that "everyone" starts RCT with fantasy and not really realistic things in the first time.
But after a few years some players starts to play it more with an realistic aspect.
Additional to this, the CSO-Designer thought, well if people want it more realistic, lets create CSO's to become more realistic look into it.
And that's why alot of people build more like realistic or try to create an realistic look with RCT.

BUT: that doesn't mean that we won't like "unrealistic" creations, too!

how often some members votes for "Terry Inferno" or "NieSch" in build it and there not realistic creations? and some past winners had "unrealistic" designs, too.

Example: "Static Electricity" by v1210
It wasn't really realistic, but the idea/story behind this was great and something unique.

That is what most of us want to see in "build-it". It can be fantasy or unreal, if the atmophere/idea is great than a entry like this can be a winner, too.

But the big problem is the "lazyness"! How often we saw only "naked" coasters or half-finished entries?!
Than it doesn't matter if the track is realistic or even not!
A creations that isn't build with enough passion/love for RCT can "never" win or being good!

If people want to show up there "naked" coasters, no problem, use a "WIP-Thread" for it but DON'T enter it into build-it.
Otherwise deal with the negative feedback on it!

And this is the next problem, alot of the members can't deal with feedback, especially if this isn't positive.
But negative feedback/constructive cristicsm doesn't mean that the whole thing is crap -> it can be seen as an helping hand how someone could build it better next time.

BtW, Drew_ is right, if people getting frustrated about the game itself, than that's their problem.
If they are getting frustrated infct of the feedback they become in the past, well if people cant learn from it, its again, not our problem!
How often members try to help, but it seems like that some members have an "imunity" against tips/hints.

And only because Silvarret makes a tutorial-series "how to build a realistic coaster" and i am a person who want to see "realistic" things, doesn't mean that everybody must build only realistic things!

If people use the internet than the first leason is, learn to deal with different opinions about your work!
Someones will likes your work, otherones will dislike it!
Deal with that or get the hell out of it, but don't whine about it.


play RCT for fun (realistic or unrealsitc), otherwise, unistall it! finish!
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
Slurpee_Man, why did you make this thread? It's not nice, you're basically calling me a two-year old Frown AND I TRY PLEASE DON'T RESPOND TO THIS MESSAGE WITH A MEAN THING TO SAY
I need a new signature.

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