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[WIP] Assassins Duel - B&M 2.Gen.-Inverters (RCT2 & CSO's)

First small Impressions from my RCT2 Majorproject

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4238]
The Inspiration for the Logo comes from my little son, because he loves "LEGO Ninjago".
So why a search around the web to find good Ninja screens that i could use, if i can use allmost perfect scaled screens from Ninjago.

In RCT2 the Coasters named:
Storm-Assassin -> white/gold
Shadow-Assassin -> black/silver

Info for non "Ninjago" knowers:
Zane -> White Ninja (Element-Ice)
Cole -> Black-Ninja (Element-Earth)

General Layout of both:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4232]
As you can see, the layout is racing style than dueling, because this isn't an fight good vs. evil or anything else.
It should be more an little competition from friends to show each other who is better after along time training in the Ninjutsu-Temple. Wink

Lifthill & Vertical Loop:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4233]
Both Assassins starts in a Ninjutsu-Temple aside from a hilly land.
After reaching the top of the hill we go directly into the first drop and through our first inversion, an basic "Vertical Loop".
Everything is really close (close as possible) to the ground for more "foot-chopper" effects.
And while Assassins can't fly the coaster-layout should be more or less terrain like. Wink

Zero-G-Roll & Horseshoe-Turn:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4234]
After some little shenanigans from both they drive through the Zero-G-Roll and make an "Horseshoe-Turn" besides an waterfall.
Don't worry, an umbrella isn't needed, you won't getting wet. Tongue

Immelmann & Castle-Section:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4235]
Now both of our Assassins reach an huge Castle-Complex build on an natural rock/stone side.
They are going below the castle-wall and into the third Inversion, an Immelmann.
Than this is the first time, that both of our Assassins use different way's through the castle complex.
But not for long, after an 450° Helix and an digonal downhill they meet each other and made there way out of the castle.

Zero-G-Roll & Flatspin:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4236]
Dirrectly after leaveing the castle both go into an "High-Five" Zero-G-Roll and an 180° turn.
Now it's time that both go there own way home.
But both goes through an Flatspin, but not at the same time.

Final Helix & Onride-Photo-Section:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4237]
Our Assassins going there way up to an hill, through an forest, besides an Waterfall, inflitrate an castle complex and leave without any enemy knowledge.
Now it's time to go home, that's what they do now.
After another some shenanigans the meet each other on the final Helix, above an small pond.
And for the "grand final" -> keep smiling Biggrin -> OnRide-Photo is allways an must have.
Problem is that it looks to clumpy and can't be coverd perfect with & without hacks.
So i banned the Photo-Section into the ground.

That was the layout/project story behind "Assassins Duel".
I know that some words sounds "he missed something" infact that there isn't an castle where i wrote "castle" and so on.
But i don't want to let you without any idea/knowledge what i want to build. Wink

The huge castle-complex will be inspirated from "Himeji, in Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan".
The Station is inspirated from some Asian-Temples.

You will also see, that the landscape/terraforming isn't finish. There is alot of work left.
But i thought, the layout is finished and stay as it is, also the color-scheme of the coasters.

So i wanted to share my start up of this project with you.

BtW, i don't forget to say, that the layout is only "semi-real", so these coasters would be never exists in real. But i tried my best to have an realsitic aspect in it, because completly unrealistic coasters are not my thing.

Feedback/Suggestions/Criticsm/Questions are allways welcome

Soo long, Cobra Cool

Side-Info: everyone who playes RCT1 -> SwampCove scenario maybe knows something
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Question, is that first part of the coaster after the lifthill inspired by the RCT1 coasters "Dexter" and "Sinister" from the Swamp Cove scenario?
Why do you have Ninjago's Cole and Zane in the logo? LOL :P
I need a new signature.
(Sep 17, 2014, 09:33 PM)chimalion70005 Wrote: Why do you have Ninjago's Cole and Zane in the logo? LOL :P

He explained the reason at the top of the post ;p
Looks good, great work!
center][Image: L7zldSd.png][/center]
Really nice job!
Rudy18 is right.
Your inspiration comes definitely from "Dexter and Sinister" from the RCT-1 Scenario "Swamp Cove" Smile

A few parts are close to them, but i think you don't wante a copy of them. And i would say, you did it really good on these. Only people which played RCT-1 and alot of scenarios know these coasters at all.

Maybe mirrored the layout had helped to make it harder for RCt-1 knower to find out where the inspiration would came from. Tongue

Anyway, back to topic.

The Logo looks simple but nice, and the Lego figures are an great idea and something new and unique.
I've never seen a "Coaster-Logo" that uses Lego figures on it.

I also liked that you not use these "basic" red vs. blue color combo and made something different.

If i see this right, you used these "marble/pink" for the rails. With these green and the dirt-brown supports its an really asian combo. But maybe its a bit hard to say something about it, infact of the sand texture below that is only for construction and not final.

As you wrote, the layouts are semi-realistic, but dual coaster layouts are really difficult to build realistic.
So i like the layout of these.

The whole landscaping and terraforming is an painful work, especially with RCT-2
Starting from an flatland and build hills, rivers and other stuff takes a long time, so respect for this.
And currently it looks good, better than my simply terraforming that i do around Cabracan.

The Asian-Theme sounds nice, but building good looking asian structures aren't easy.
But i think you find enough inspiration on NE-Design to find your way to build it with CSO's.

You want to build a castle complex that is inspirated from "Himeji Castle"?
If you build this halfway right, than this will be really impressive.
[Image: Ch%C3%A2teau_de_Himeji02.jpg]

At the moment i don't have any suggestions or criticsm, because it's an way to early stage to say something in this direction.

Looking forward to this, because i think that i become some competiton infact of RCT-2 with CSO's from you. Biggrin

My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
What an ambitious project Cobra ! The racing style for your layout really fits your theme, I can see two ninja battling each other and constantly moving through the land when seeing your two layouts which have pretty good flow and element order.

I'm definitely looking forward to how you're going to execute your Japanese theme.
Thank you very much for all this nice feedback! Smile

I didn't thought that people are interested in RCT2 creations and the screens are only from an early stage of this majorproject.

Rudy18 & Cheleste are both right. Dexter & Sinister from the RCT1 Scenario "Swamp Cove" gives me the inspiration. And to be honest, some parts are really close to the original one.
But i hope that i bring enough unique stuff into this, so that no one could say i only copy/past things.

I working currently on the RCT3 version of this, because there are maybe a little bit more RCT3 fans out there than RCT1/2 ones.
This takes alot of time, because i want an exactly copy, that means i terraform every single terrain square manually and give it the same shape to become the same look like in RCT2.

Yes this sounds a bit strange, because we can smooth the terrain in RCT3. And i think about it to do this in the end.
Majorprolbem is, that the hight levels in RCT3 are different than in RCT2, so i must try and error it out, what looks best in the end.

The reaon why i work on the RCT3 version besides of it is, that in RCT3 i can build the Station/Temples and other architecture way better with all the CSO-Sets. After this pre-builds i can convert it backwards into the RCT2 one. Because in RCT2 i have some limitations infact of CSO's.

And the most importent part for me is the asian-style in the RCT2 version, without using asian cso's, while the workbench doesn't have asian parts in it.

I hope i can present some RCT3 impressions this weekend, so that all the RCT3 fans have something, too. Wink

Have a nice weekend all.

Soo long, Cobra Cool
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
I like the story line behind your project idea. I'll check for updates. Good luck in the competition. Smile

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