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Hi! I have not logged in for a long time, and there is a reason - NoLimits.

At first I was put off by the thing, but I decided to demo NoLimits 2. To my surprise, it was actually fairly easy to use! Curves are easier made than in NoLimits 1, as well as supports and terrain. The graphics were amazing, especially after years of RCT3.

Thing is, does anyone know if there is a site with NoLimits CS? I mean, I could model my own fences and stuff on SketchUp, but I'm honestly not that good at it, hehe.

Thanks in case! I hope to share one of my creations soon - one that I am particularly happy about. Biggrin
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WIP: Rotten Candy Scenario (Mid 2015), NoLimits Intamin coaster, NoLimits Mack launched coaster
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They have some cool CS here!
2015 SKARIB Productions
Here is a B&M pack:
2015 SKARIB Productions
Thank you very much!
Scenarios Thread | Downloads Page | Videos Page
WIP: Rotten Candy Scenario (Mid 2015), NoLimits Intamin coaster, NoLimits Mack launched coaster
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