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Still not getting it….

Winrar is a 100% free Rar file extractor, it says the trial will end In 30 days but it just doesn't.

Try c:/program files(x86)/users/(your username here)/documents/rct3/coasters, that particular file will be an extended coaster.

Nolimits is an entirely different system, so you will be unable to open that file in rct3.
[Image: sig_zps84f84773.jpg]
(May 4, 2014, 11:46 AM)sirron1957 Wrote: .....
Sorry about being such a pest....

No, you’re not being a pest. If you don’t know then you just don’t know. It is much better to seek the information you don’t yet know rather than pretend you know it all already.

And remember, every one us in this community at one point or another, for the first time, installed RCT3, opened the game and then had no idea what to do next.

CS or CSO means it’s a scenery object that’s been custom made.

CFR means it’s a flat ride that’s been custom made.

CTR means it’s a track that’s been custom made.

If you know for sure you have downloaded CS or a CSO and if there are no instructions, it is safe to assume it goes into the Themed folder.

Unfortunately, if it’s not CS or a CSO there are so many various different ways of packaging the custom stuff and further additional ways of filing it once it’s been downloaded and decompressed … if anything that is not CS or CSO comes with no instructions don’t bother with it. It is remotely within the realms of possibility to successfully guess where a few files might go but the odds are just against it. If you really, really want that item you could go back to the website where you got it to see if someone has informed the artist of the lack of information and if they haven’t you could leave a message yourself. If this is not possible the only option left is to wait and hope the artist updates his download.
PM's to this member account are not monitored. Please direct all questions/comments here.

Finally getting some things to work and figuring out others. So a big Thank You to all of you for helping me through this BUT I'm sure there will be other questions as I go forward.

Now to the question I have now. I'm going to try something a little more complicated, http://rctgo.com/downloads/view/3420 but I'm having trouble finding 1 thing.
.... Ody's Coaster Goodies, the link on that above page is not working and when I google it, all I can find is a download manager. When I try
....installing it my virus scanner does not like it so I aborted out of it. Any idea on where to get it would be appreciated.

Hopefully I've got the right files for everything else. Most of the links were broken

Allso when I try to install Winrar my virus scanner doesn't like that either. Don't like taking chances so am hoping there's a version out there that won't trigger that problem...same with Cody's Coaster Goodies.
Odys' coaster goodies can be found at this link:

the file is a .zip
[Image: sig_zps84f84773.jpg]
Thank you, now to figure out where all that stuff goes.
(May 7, 2014, 04:54 PM)sirron1957 Wrote: .....
Allso when I try to install Winrar my virus scanner doesn't like that either. .....

Try 7Zip to decompress files. I like that just fine.
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(Apr 26, 2014, 05:10 PM)hiya4210 Wrote:

Ok, So I'm fairly new to rctgo, and I've been downloading things but only have had success with a few items. All of the tracks I've downloaded didn't show up in the game at all. I'm probably doing something wrong I just don't know what. I've been following this guide by Blu:

C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Atari/Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 is the RCT3 main directory for custom objects.

Put custom scenery in C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Atari/Roller Coaster Tycoon 3/Style/Themed.
Put custom tracked rides in C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Atari/Roller Coaster Tycoon 3/cars/tracked ride cars and another folder goes in tracks/trackedrides.
Put custom flat rides in C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Atari/Roller Coaster Tycoon 3/Style/Custom (make a folder named "Custom")/The name of the creator.

Flat rides have specific instructions, so make sure you name the folder what the README says.

Make sure you save your park file before opening any new custom object, for it could crash your game if you didn't install it right.

For other downloads, make sure you have all the custom objects that has been used in the download. Go to C:/users/my documents/RCT3, and put the following things in the following folders:

Tracks - RCT3/Coasters
Waterslides (You have to save with the pool complex that it ends in) - RCT3/Pools
Mixmaster Displays - RCT3/Fireworks
Structures - RCT3/Structures
Peeps - RCT3/Peeps
Parks - RCT3/Parks
Scenarios - RCT3/Scenarios

And I did all the necessary steps for the tracks and they still don't show up. The only thing I didn't put it in was Coasters because I couldn't find the folder for that besides Coaster designs but I wasn't sure if that was it or not. For structures I can't find the folder called Structures. I also saw that you have to go to My Documents/RCT3 for some things and when I went to My Documents/RCT3 I found a folder in it but it was blank and the other one had pictures from the rides. I've just been lost this whole time so if someone could clear this up for me that would be amazing.

I have been looking through my folders, and I can't even find an atari folder. help!
Hi dtc50alt,
Sorry you are having such a hard time. Are these tracks already made by users? If they are you need to place them in Documents/RCT3/Coasters.
Structures also go in Documents/RCT3/Structures, but you need to make sure you have the custom scenery items installed. Also, some custom scenery items will cause the game to crash if you have shadows on. If you let me know which downloads you are specifically looking for, I can help you more.
Hang in there you'll get it. Just takes practice.

For flat rides you need to make a custom folder in programs (x86) Atari RCT3 Platinum Style. In the custom folder you but the folder in there.

(Nov 7, 2015, 03:34 PM)aecrouch7413 Wrote: Hi dtc50alt,
Sorry you are having such a hard time. Are these tracks already made by users? If they are you need to place them in Documents/RCT3/Coasters.
Structures also go in Documents/RCT3/Structures, but you need to make sure you have the custom scenery items installed. Also, some custom scenery items will cause the game to crash if you have shadows on. If you let me know which downloads you are specifically looking for, I can help you more.
Hang in there you'll get it. Just takes practice.

For flat rides you need to make a custom folder in programs (x86) Atari RCT3 Platinum Style. In the custom folder you but the folder in there.

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