it cost a bomb load lol but meh Half Life 2 works properly now :lol:
Btw whats shocking? Ron got abducted or sometin?
i wont, it's the last thing you'll expect to happen, everyone is going mad in the forums!!!
after reading the book i spent about 15 mins running around the house yelling cause i'm the only one who has finished it and i couldnt talk to anyone!! i was so upset, i cant believe JK Rowling did that!!! :x
wat happens in the new harry potter book
Can we post about harry in the new topic you just made?
I'm getting a new computer for X-Mas this year..Just started the monhly payments...But here are my computer specs...
Processor---AMD 2500
Video Card---FX Geforce 5500
HD 80gb
I'm thinking of upgrading the memory and the hardrive...
good for you, RCT3 will be way more fun as well
my computer is.....
asus geforce
pentium 4 3.2 ghz
1 gb of ram