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New to forum... Veteran player (RCT2)

Hey all! I've been playing RCT for (OMG) 14 years now... I, of course, started on RCT1, then fell in love with RCT2. Couldn't wait until 3 came out, was severely disappointed by it (barely gave it a chance I guess) then quit playing all together until (for some unknown reason) I opened up RCT2 again just about a month ago and I'm hooked all over again. I'm not good at it... I don't really build coasters at all.... I'm one of those who just plop down a bunch of rides and "stolen" coasters, open the park and see how much $$ I can make. Now, I've somehow gotten into building buildings onto coasters I've "stolen" and am currently working on a color coordinated park with all my "stolen"/re-colored decorated coasters. Just a quick THANKS to all you coaster builders out there for sharing your rides. (Neisch!) I lost all my rides I had collected back when we had ride exchange, but thanks to a couple sharers, I'm coming up with quite a little list again. Anyway, (I'm rambling)... thanks to all you coaster builders/sharers... and please keep sharing!
Hi there!
I totally get where you're coming from, that was me in RCT2 for a solid 8 years of my life, but eventually it kind of clicked with me on how to make coasters and I took off from there (If you want I've got RCT2 coasters as well for download)
Welcome to the community, and as well as Niesch and I, you can also talk to people like BlazingEmpireHD, Terry Inferno and Rudy18 about RCT2 stuff, we're happy to help, and especially happy if you want to start making your own stuff and posting it for all to see!
Enjoy the site (and give RCT3 another chance, custom scenery is awesome)
Nave Smile
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

"stolen" coasters?
excuse me?
this site has had a past history of people taking things that arent theirs and passing it off as theirs (no namedrops, but you can probably figure it out), we dont need this to happen yet again
Yes!! Thanks for pointing out some excellent "sharers" that I can "steal" from! I have downloaded some of their tracks already... For example, Terry Inferno's "City of Angels" gave me the whole color scheme for the park I'm working on. I love his (is he a he??) descriptions of his rides. He puts some thought behind it. I'm not at all that creative. But... I am learning... maybe someday... That's one of the things I love about this game; you can learn from others rides/decorations and mix it up here and there and come up with pretty good stuff of your own. Still learning after all these years is pretty cool! Niesh's "The Dragon" blew me away... Really? How'd he come up with that idea? So flipping awesome...... Have you seen it run? Did you look at it and think "Now why didn't *I* think of that?"

Note: I'm sorry if anyone thinks I would actually "steal" ideas and claim them as my own. I have never shared any rides anywhere. I only meant "stolen" as downloading tracks and using them in my parks. Not plagerizing or however you spell that.
Sorry for self promoting, but I show all my building of stuff in my megapark (Six Flags Nave) on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC37Yj7Y...VGOXRTPR7g
Just thought you could use it as a basis on how to build your own coasters
And I just used to take the coasters built that were already in the game and use them in parks, getting them from other players is one step above what I was
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

Welcome! And thanks for the nice compliments. Have fun on RCTGo. Smile
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]
Welcome! You've actually been playing RCT2 longer than I have, as I acquired my disk in '04. I'm very glad you like my designs, as some of them, such as City Of Angels, were built specifically to fit in smaller spaces with very high excitement ratings to generate high ride ticket revenue. That's also the only coaster I can recall building with a peach paint job, so it's great that my sense of color actually makes sense to other players.

If you like my ride descriptions, you may enjoy this topic:


As long as nave is self-promoting, I can too. It's a story about a perfectly normal amusement park I built with "hardly any" fatalities. I started putting effort into the descriptions around the second page. 9/12 of the coasters are currently downloadable--there's a chance that one of them *might* still be in a certain current Build It! round--but the narration is really where most of the effort has been applied.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
Hi and welcome! Recently, I've seen RCT2 make a huge come back on this site. There are many users on this site who play the game and I'm amazed at what they create. I'm really an RCT3, Planet Coaster and Cities Skylines player. But took a little break from RCT3 for awhile. In the last few build it competitions there were more RCT2 and NoLimits 2 entries. It goes in phases. If you have any questions, I can try and help or make a recommendation to someone who might be able to help you more. Thanks for the clarification regarding your comments earlier. Have fun.
Welcome to the site, I've been playing almost since RCT1 first came out (I was a little tyke lol) so I know the feeling of being a veteran. If you want or would like any tips with any title in the series (excluding everything past #3 because those are just bad dreams, not real games that were released) feel free to ask Smile
Team CoasterTech

Haven't replied in awhile because I've been so busy laughing at Terry Inferno and trying to make train cars float.... (I'm going to do it!!) People keep drowning and I'm starting to wonder if those execs are being completely honest about the mortality rates in his park....

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