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Vote for your favorite track! Round 258

ChrisMDB Wrote:So long as you don't purposefully break the anonymity (I've broken it without thinking in the past as well) it's fine, but if you're advertising which is yours that's an issue.

This is key. If someone figures out on their own that an entry is yours, they've taken the time to review the entries, at least enough to click on a YouTube link. If you bluntly state that an entry is yours, however, you're actively promoting your own entry during a round, which, though not a violation of the rules, is a stellar way to turn the other builders against you. Winners who win after promoting their own entry are at a high risk of becoming alienated by the other builders, which is far more difficult to recover from than losing one round.

There is no rule that states that the users must keep their entries anonymous. The author's name was removed from rounds both to keep people from voting based on the builder, which was an ongoing problem that could work in the builder's favor or against it. Anyone who states outright that they built an entry is doing so at their own risk, since there is often little way of knowing what the voters think of you independent of your creations. 

Most of us who enter on a regular basis have broken anonymity in some way or another, whether it has been from uploading a POV, posting a preview screenshot of an entry, or building multiple roller coasters in the same park and naming the park in the description. This is not the same as including an author's name directly under the coaster's name on the voting page. 

Crediting the author on the voting page--the way it was for most of 2015 and before--can have a powerful effect, especially with builders who have won in the past. Voters who routinely don't take the time to review all four entries carefully before voting and/or don't have the confidence in their decision-making to determine which coaster is the best are likely to vote for a name they've seen win before, as they may trust that that entry is the best simply because the builder has won more times than the others in the round. In contrast, if they see someone win too many times, they may vote for another entry solely because they want someone else to win. Keeping the author's name readily available directly under the name of the coaster created a bias either way, and it isn't the same as voting for someone whose style you recognize and like based on your own criteria.
[Image: 7sFmb4x.jpg]
¡Viva Mexico!
(Feb 19, 2017, 02:59 AM)brandonmarks94 Wrote: excuse me aecrouch? does my area look rushed to you? that took me about 2 weeks to do, trust me when i say it was not rushed. i didnt finish it because the map that it was on got reset before i finished, so i just kept it the way it was when it was reset

I never said anything about your entry, but what I do have an issue with is your attitude and how you just let things "slip out" I'm done with RCTgo.
You totally said it, Terry. I have no words to explain the situation better than you did. Justin would be proud of you for being such a good communicator toward other users. You really deserve the moderator role!

About the anonymity subject, it happened a few times that I forgot to remove my name on the coaster's name. It's totally not intentional, and I did not try to promote my own entry. Fortunately, I learned from my mistake and censored my name on my last entry. It looks like Blazing did the same too! :P

That's all I have to say about it. I do not feel the need to argue about it longer, it's just becoming more and more annoying. I think Terry really closed up the discussion, and we should not think about it anymore.

That being said, let's finish the round on a good note!
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
@brandonmarks when I this round is mediocre, yeah it's because there was no outstanding work, in no way was your entry bad, there was just nothing too special I saw about it
The queue line is nice, but I'm going to quote myself on the thing that became Maverick's signature and that's that "a coaster with some supports, trees, and a simple station should not be deserving of a build it win", and honestly I have no clue how this could take you weeks, unless you really spaced out your time
If you wanted my full support you needed more than just that, some theming, something for the coaster to go through, maybe some wacky terraforming or a bunch more buildings, but it just doesn't do it for me
Yet I still voted for it, because it is the best entry in this round, so yeah I'd say the round's pretty mediocre

Oh and ditto to what both Terry and Supra said, I entirely agree
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]


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