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Vote for your favorite track! Round 263

That is true, and I can respect that. Only to me, voting for something that's clearly not up to par with the entirety of the round is kinda weird. Then again, I don't know if Slurp voted for it or not. We've got to wait and see, I guess. Ah well, good luck to all in this round! Who knows, maybe Thunderbolt is an underdog?
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I like Thunderbolt too. The layout is pretty good.
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]
Not fan of thunderbolt, the station is good, but the rest of the coaster is pretty meh and lacking in anything interesting, or anything surrounding it at all

Alright CC time, lets go

Montanhoso- At first glance, this coaster looks incredibly well done, incredibly packed full of a scenery, really cool layout, but no POV so I can't tell where in the world the freaking station is. The rooftop garden idea is pretty unique and cool, and the rapids are weird, but it seems a bit blocky and checkerboardish. Something that really got me was in the last few screenshots you can see outside of the zone, and its just green space, honestly just filling it with trees can work to make it look that much better. Good job, but not your best work. 8.5/10

Rainbow- I don't know who made this coaster, but please contact someone about how to build a realistic track layout, please, just please, oh all of this is just so deadly -1/10

Thunderbolt- Love the station, love the track layout, that's about it. There's no terraforming, nothing around the coaster, and the only scenery outside of the station is supports, a few trees and a fence. Honestly though that station and track layout rocks, would totally take my vote if it had more during the coaster. 6/10

Buried Treasure- People please watch the POV, the screenshots don't do this coaster justice. If this was made in RCT3 it would be a pretty average entry, but this is NL2, and my god they do so well for scenery here. The average NL entry we see has some trees, terraforming, and a station and we consider that good here at RCTgo, but this coaster goes for lack of a better term "overboard" with the scenery and really stunned me that this wasn't RCT3 or PC. The only little fixup may be some of the smoothness at the track at some points, but there's nothing that would harm the riders, so this got my vote jsut barely with a 9/10
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

Even though I am in this round, it will not stop me from pouring my thoughts and critiques out.

First off, I am rather surprised this is even allowed to be in this round. For one, there's little to no scenery, what is there is atrocious. The layout....I can't even begin to acclimate how bad it actually is. It's a death coaster. If you didn't die from going 70+ miles per hour through a loop, those un-banked sharp turns would literally kill you. Even worse off is the layout is so uninspired as if the creator didn't even think to try. I am still shocked this was considered okay by Justin, but I guess somehow it could be worse. What little good there is in this is barely viable. AT least there are trees and such. The rainbow is also a pretty neat touch.


Despite knowing who made this, this is actually really well made, aside the fact behind the endless plains. The station is cool, the layout was executed perfectly. What holds this back so much is the lack of anything else. The entire ride theming is in the station, and that's it. Minus a few trees. There's no terraforming and there's barely any landscaping. Next time you enter, take into consideration of making a fully developed area with rides/attractions as well as varying landscaping and foliage. It also would not hurt to ask others for help. Anyways, this is a pretty good entry, but it simply could have been a bit better. Still nothing short of good. Don't be shy to do more than you think is possible.


Buried Treasure:
I do not honestly know where to begin with this... even though I also know who made this as well, the amount of work that was put into this looks astonishing. The layout is flawless; the terrain and foliage are also very very very well executed, and the coaster is just soooo smooth. Considering your first entry, comparative to this, this is clearly a huge step forward. You've done very very well with this entry and if it were not for myself being entered, this would be my vote hands down. The only two drawbacks I can give this is that I wish there had been a developed queue line and exit, but that's very minor. The name, to me at least, is very unoriginal and uninspiring. If the theming had been more directed towards what the name suggests, it'd easily meet it's mark.  
I have to say, this is among one of the best NL2 entries we've seen in recent rounds, and even through this year. You've done a very good job and do not give up on that.


Final notes: I can see this being a very heated battle between I and Buried Treasure. Even Thunderbolt is not completely out. Good luck to all involved!
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(May 7, 2017, 11:36 PM)BlazingEmpireHD Wrote: Even though I am in this round, it will not stop me from pouring my thoughts and critiques out.

it will ruin the anonymity of thr competiton though...... 🙄
It's already ruined anyways. 3/4 entries have given hints to who created it

Oh well, we'll see what happens.
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I agree with the consensus on Rainbow; it's a death trap coaster with nothing standing out that's not the giant "Rainbow" sign. The track had these ludicrously ridiculous perpendicular track sections where the coaster trains "pull a Spider-Man" that would not fly in the real world.

It's like the creator decided to throw physics out the window, and threw something against the wall to see what stuck.
I shall now express my opinion on this mediocre round!
!> Montanhoso
Honestly terrible from the first screen, but looking at the others it seems to be a very good layout and I enjoy the scenery somewhat.
@> Rainbow
Oh god...
#> Thunderbolt
You guys realize that this is quite realistic to real theme parks, right? The layout is fantastic and I really like the station. Yeah, there's no scenery, but this is like most theme parks. You guys can't criticize this and not criticize, say, Scream at SFMM.
$> Buried Treasure
The scenery looks nice, but holy sh!t dude take a look at a real GCI layout! this layout is so unrealistic!

SUMMARY: Honestly a sucky round with 2 out of 4 getting positive marks from me. I predict Montanhoso will win. Thunderbolt got my vote and good luck to everyone in the competition!
I'm useless, but not for long, the future, is coming on
I don't agree with this at all, except for Rainbow. ^^^

For one, Buried Treasure is the best entry this round no doubt, but rating it 4.5 because of a layout? That's honestly really crazy and really inconsiderate.

Secondly, Thunderbolt is good, but it simply is not the winner. Sure it's layout is realistic, sure, it's a real coaster, but I could have done way more to make this coaster stand out. It's layout and station is cool and all, but the other two entries clearly had so much more work put into it.

It's clear you either don't appreciate the work put into these, or you simply don't understand how long these two entries took. My entry (you know which one) took two months. Thunderbolt could have easily been made in an hour. Even though the round has yet to end, I find it hilarious that you'd think Thunderbolt is the best. I'm sorry, it's number 3.

I don't mind you rating and critiquing our entries, but for the love of goodness, take in to consideration the time and effort that could be used on Thunderbolt to make it much more wild, versus something that has taken so long. See what it does to what you first thought.

I do not intend to put a damper on anyone's entry or round or thoughts, but what you've suggested Slurp is really illegitimate to me.
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I totally agree with you.
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