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Vote for your favorite track! Round 277

Round 277 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Quickdraw

[Image: 5a14e99601147.png]

#2: Sunrise

[Image: 5a17b4c936f6d.jpg]

#3: Yeti

[Image: 5a25a2d83cef1.png]

#4: The Coaster Factory

[Image: 5a28ab002f526.png]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Thursday, December 14
This is a great round! Good luck to everyone who entered!

P.S. - Whoever made The Coaster Factory spelled hydraulics wrong. Just letting you know.
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2 RCT3, 2 No Limits 2. When was the last time this happened? Best of luck to everyone who entered. It’s going to be a close round.
4 Build it Wins!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!!
Current Project: Learn how to use Parkitect
Wow, okay. That's something we have not seen in awhile. These are all 3D non-isometric entries that range from bad to pretty good. It isn't often that we find three or four entries all share a good amount of effort.

All four entries do not have that great of a layout, and some vary with creativity and ability. I had a hard time choosing who to vote for as all of the entries had issues, but those entries could be worse.

My vote went to The Coaster Factory. Good luck to everyone, this round!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
#1: Quickdraw is sooooo beautiful like my bro RussWest44 ❤❤
You got my vote
I am sorry, but I do not think that the creator of Yeti, which I will not reveal to preserve anonymity, although everyone knows who it is, should be able to release a coaster a week in NL2. NL2 is a sim which should take time and effort to build with, and I do not believe that even in any simulator there should be an Build It! entry made every week. I think you could spend more effort and come out with a higher quality entry and take more time. I am just at the end of an NL2 project that I have been working on for the better part of a year. I just think an entry a week shows a lack of detail, especially in NL2. It is nice to have diversity in the rounds, not just one person entering week after week.

Anyways, I digress. In my opinion, Coaster factory is the best build this week and has the highest level of detail as well as a great layout. Still a great round though.
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Based on how people had been talking about the round in this thread I was rather optimistic when I went over to see the entries. Now after looking I'm really disappointed to be honest, everyone that's entered (with the exception of the creator of Quickdraw, I have no idea who did that) has done far better in the past and is capable of making much better quality projects. I agree with Jozibrozi about Yeti as well, it could have been a lot better if more time was put into polishing the area around the ride, but I'll save that for Yeti's CC spot:

1. Quickdraw -
If this is your first entry ever I must say I'm impressed, but it also isn't great. There's a lot of unnecessary bankings that would give riders whiplash if this were real, the same goes for high-speed unbanked turns that really should have been. The recording isn't the best either, I'm not sure what you were using but if you need help feel free to PM me. The custom supports and station were done well, but the terraforming was mediocre at best with no terrapainting (from what I could see). There was also a lack of foliage and no attempt was made to make the path under the Ferris Wheel look presentable, it looks like it was just plopped down for some background scenery. Not a bad ride, but not a great entry either.

2. Sunrise -
A very creative project and it looks as though it was quite the challenge. The ride's pacing was quite bad though, and the ride suffers from a lot of high-speed unbanked turns similar to Quickdraw. This is just a nitpick, but I'd add flanges, footers, and connectors to your steel beams to give them a bit more polish and add an extra layer of realism to your projects in the future.

3. Yeti -
I had high hopes for this project when it was in its development phase, unfortunately you didn't develop it further than your WIP screenshots. The trees should more than likely have snow on them (as I've said before), and if you can't figure out how to do it on your own google it or search YouTube; the internet is a vast well of information you have at your disposal. There's no scenery around the ride (unless you count foliage, which I really don't), so I can't really judge that. Overall this looks more like a WIP POV video than a finished product POV, I'd love to see a bit more work put into this to add more polish and make it a finished ride. I've seen what you can do in NL2 and I know you can do better than this.

4. The Coaster Factory -
While this has received a fair bit of praise I'm really not sure what it does to earn it... the ride is placed inside a giant, uninteresting concrete box. There isn't any way to add scenery or anything really to the inside of the structure? Sure you have some partitions that the ride transitions through at high speed and I guess that's cool, but the majority of the ride is just flying around inside of a mostly empty box. Other NL2 rides that have done this in the past at least gave us stuff to look at, like Hyperspace by theisaac: https://rctgo.com/downloads/view/hyperspace.14486

Overall I'm just disappointed with the round overall and I'm really unsure of which to vote for. All of the entries are underwhelming in my opinion and could have used more work and polish to make them better. I haven't voted yet and I'm not sure if I will.

** Just a quick disclaimer - you don't need to rush a project to enter Build-It! - There's always next round **
Team CoasterTech

Alright, lets clear some things up, shall we? I don't care about anonymity, and I think we all know that Yeti is my creation. Thank you all for the criticism, I take every bit of advice I get into account when making a new coaster. Yeti wasn't meant to be the perfect entry, at least not yet. As some of you might know, I've been working on a B&M hyper for the past month or so. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_328bX-...j7aIbCefUf) I needed a break from the tedious work of foliage/scenery for this new project. So I started Yeti over the weekend, to experiment with the NoLimits 2 terrain editor, something I've never really used heavily. I started to enjoy the coaster, and decided to finish it up. I knew there was things that needed to be done with it, but seeing as the round had been needing entries for a while, I decided to enter it. Yeti is still a WIP, and it's not done. You can expect so much more to come from this project. Also be ready for my hypercoaster, Ether. I should have a teaser trailer out for that project soon.

Oh, and don't take this as a hate post, I just wanted to clear some stuff up.
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Well just cause I'm not building right now doesnt mean I cant give some CC I guess

tldr I voted Yeti, overall a very underwhelming round though

Quickdraw - yeah like Chris said if this was your first entry you did a decent job, the dueling aspect is well done, the timing seems decently on track, but some of these turns are just going to kill your guests. It's like you took the ones that should be banked, and banked every turn but those ones. Also there's that one hill where it hits a flat spot on both the way up and down, and its super riggity and rough and I would not want to ride that, when making hills make them go straight at one angle

Sunrise - this had the potential to be the clear winner, had you done more scenery wise, and banked those turns. The concept is cool though, I like the challenge aspect of it, the only main problem is that the theming is really vague and bland, and most passengers would fly off the car right after the first drop

Yeti - this got my vote, but not for the right reasons, it was mainly just because it was the only one with an actually decent layout that was not either too intense or going to kill the guests with g-forces, the scenery is pretty boring with just trees and tunnels, and I'm not one to complain about double lift hills but I know others don't like that, but yeah I know we have seen the creator of this coaster do much more detailed and better things in the past

The Coaster Factory - also had the potential to be the clear winner, the idea is really cool. Unlike the first two, this layout is not going to kill the guests, just make them incredibly sick with all of those inversions and craziness. This could have been really great if the theming was better and not just inside a dark grey box for the first half of the coaster, which is really boring and uncreative, even lights of some kind would have helped a lot

Anyways this round wasn't fantastic but hey you win some you lose some
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

I'm assuming you didn't read my above post since you wrote yours at the same time. Please refer to that Nave. Thanks for the vote!
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