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Meridian Medway 90% Complete

Alot of man hours went into building that i can tell you....probably 20 hours+
20 hours+ A building like that would take me over 2 days to build.
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Theres little shortcuts you can make.
Shortcutts are the key.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
Shortcuts make your life a lot easier than making the whole building.
[Image: rct3x.co.uk2r.jpg]

Current Projects- The Lost Island
The Two Twin Coasters are coming on superbly, ive spent another 4 hours on them today, ill post some pics next thurs-Friday.Watch this space....
Wow! This park is coming on just great Junkie! I love the pool complex and bulidings, it just looks so realistic, nice work.
[Image: signature9ky.png]
See it here!
this park is wonderful has it been or when realsesed yet
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
It wont be ready for a good few months yet....i wont finish until it has been tested, tweaked and in a manner of words.....perfect, once it is done, i will do a promo video, i even have the perfect music to accompany it.Then i shall release it exclusively and ONLY on RCT3X.Just keep checking the progress, i shall be posting regulary.And i would just like to add, that this is my 1000th post, so ive reached a milestone.
Wow this park looks really cool! Goodjob!
Plokoon , brave hero of the clonewars, intil his ship crashed from the betrayal of clones.
May we never for get Jedimaster Plokoon!
[Image: rct3x9gj.jpg]

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