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my new coastermovie

Well as the old saying goes practice makes perfect and I will follow your video creations as ive yet to attempt any. Keep it up and im shore you will come up with somthing that will suprise us all Smile
like i promissed you earlier in this thread, here's the test results for "smokey Eyes", featured in the movie..
Excitement 3,98 (Medium)
Intensity 4,80 (Medium)
Nausea 6,25 (High)

Max.Speed 50,82 mph
Av.speed 29,45 mph
Ride Time 1,27 min.
Ride length 3759,38 ft.

and finally.... can anyone recommend a free video-editing program ?
Pardon my french, I'm danish.. Eekops:
Ahh, cool! Not overly intense then :P

I use MovieMaker, serves its purpose and u get decent results!
There are some freebies out there that last between 15-30 days and then they expire. There are also ways to fully remove them off of your computer to include the little timer/clock that prevents futher use of that program. My advise is to become famillar with Window Movie Maker 1 or 2. Perferably 2. I use WMM2 and Pinnacle Studios -sometimes a couple of freebies, but majority of the time I'm using WMM2
[Image: 1.jpg]
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