Please stop using these dodgy file places, I can's get them to work and it seems as if someone was trying to see me a free XBox 360 PM me and I'll host it from my server for you.
There is still big secrets surrounding the new ride at contour theme park. All we know so far is that it appears to be an inverted coaster.
Contour theme park and SA Productions still refuse to confirm these suggestions.
When asked about this new ride and the rumors surrounding it the answer is " Only Time Will Tell" wicth seems to be the new cacth phrase for this
eagerly anticipated ride.
Contour theme park have also been releasing short teaser trailers to the public to create even more questions and speculation.
Construction on the main ride has been confirmed to be complete but the sceanery has not been started.
I have been to the park to take some pictures but all pictures taken have to be alterd.
I was allowed to rlease one colourd picture but it still had to be alter so as not to give anything away to soon.
Enough Chit Chat, Heres The Pics:
Comments and suggestions always welcome, more updates soon.