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Island P4XX-Updated 01/06/06

This park is going to be amazing :!:
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Ill tell you something Neg, that shot with the bridge over the water, and the hotels in the background....is one of the best ive seen in ages....its pure eye-candy.i love it when creators toy with ideas, new and fresh.This shot needs to represent the site, at the conference thing.Remarkable stuff dude, keep up the great work.
thanks for the comments guys n gallsSmileSmile im glad the works paying off, we here at Neg-G Corp. put our customers first in order to achieve the best out of our staff, my team have just left the office and are once again heading to the future resort wonderSmile, they should be back late tonight or early tomorrow morning with some picsWinkSmile

thanks again,
Steve Tycoon,
Manager and Owner of
Neg-G Corpercations
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Waterpark Update

hello all, it seems that the waterpark as slowed down the project by some degree, but the waterpark's hotel and spa have been completed, the water park will hopefully be completed by saturday, but if it delays the project any further, the project managers have said they will continue with the rest of the park and leave it till last, well my team have come back with pics of the newly completed hotel, and here are the pics:

this hotel is probably the most luxurious
[Image: 11b5k0l.jpg]

the waterpark is yet to be finished
[Image: 11b5kxw.jpg]

the hotel doesnt look that bad
[Image: 11b5l6d.jpg]

construction continues....
[Image: 11b65i8.jpg]

please feel free to post your comments on this project, we here at Neg-G Corp. always love to hear from youSmile

[Image: 11b664n.jpg]

Many Thanks,
Steve Tycoon,
Manager and Owner of
Neg-G Corperations
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Wow that looks great, I love the way it all looks so realistic and the logos look swell. This has definitely got to be one of my favourite parks on this forums, if not the RCT3 Community.

By the way this is my 300 post, which means that either Bellitz or G-Force Junkie have posted over 10 times more than me

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Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
This really is Coming on superbly, that shot with the bridge still sends shivers up my spine!!
Love the design of the hotel.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
fantastic work
Looks Great!

The only thing i would change, to make the hotel AMAZING is alter the front of it, where the bambo section is! Maybe use another theme or make it abit smaller
Neg-G, this park is coming along very well. It's original and it's GREAT!
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