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Deuling Dragons

ok i have recently made deuling dragons for RCT3 so here we go pictures then download
[Image: deulingdragsoverue9.png]
[Image: 20216483491.png]
[Image: deulingdragsloops2we7.png]
[Image: duelingdragsloopsvh0.png]

download here
Looks very good Smile

Have fun making the station building :P
thanks for the comment i had a tribute to the roller coasters that rolled back check it out here
Click here to watch Tribute-to-Stealth-roll-back
/\ Erm whats that got to do with your coaster recreation?

Anyways good looking recreation, I think its the first ive seen so far.
thanks for your opinion i am going to make a park full of ride recreations i think because am better making rides than i am with sencery
Looks nice, but the last pic you posted does not look correct. You need to space out the loops a bit more.
[Image: 20rs1e8.jpg]
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
No offence but...WORST REMAKE EVER.Enjoy your day
colfer Wrote:No offence but...WORST REMAKE EVER.Enjoy your day

No offence but...WORST POST EVER. Enjoy your day and while you're at it have a think about your posts.

1) Most of them are very short and snappy. Please try to write in full sentences.

2) Alot of your posts have spam in them, meaniong that the thread you have btrought up is DEAD, nearly as dead as a dead man, in a grave on the deadest day of his flipping life.

3) PLEASE DO NOT TYPE IN CAPS. It looks like you're shoting, and last time I looked....your username wasn't Barry Scott.

4) Critisism is allowed only Constructive critisism. Meaning tyhat when you say that was the wost recreation ever you give tips on how you could make it better.

5) RCT3X isn't an english essay, but if you juist use you're bleeding common sense when you post. I think you'll get on with members alot better.

[Image: newsig.gif]
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Good point.Ok the problems I had was that your layout was not correct.The problems are that the loops need to be spaced out.the fire dragon does not do a cobra roll and the corckscrews need to be bigger.Those are my roblems with it.Have fun making the new one.Oh and the eson whos comment is above this...My user name is Colfer.
colfer Wrote:Those are my roblems with it.Have fun making the new one.Oh and the eson whos comment is above this...My user name is Colfer.

The person does have a name you know...DraytonMonkey, once seen never forgotten. Oh and I'll edit my post in a minute to have a capital C.

[Image: newsig.gif]
Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness

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