Youre nomination will surely be added, would you like to make another?
Many thanx again
The_Cook would be my second nomination as his understanding of C++ is superb and is currently the only person to have created an actually animated set(not animated textures actually animated), I also believe he is on the verge of creating flat bed rides. To put things short, his knowledge of a computer and its processes are just what we all need to move in the right direction when it comes to modding RCT3.
My two would have to be DasMatze and Shyguy, based on the sheer number of CS sets between them, my parks wouldn't be half as realistic as it is without their sets. If i could nominate a third it would be Vodhin for the same reasons.
As a footnote, i would like to say that we all know about the shadows on large objects crashing the game, but how many of us know who it was that discovered it?
That was an example to get the point across that sometimes its the little things that make all the difference, and i would hope that there will be some nominations for people who have changed the game for us all by doing something small that made a big difference. (abc voting for the_cook is another good example.)
I remember some time back, i introduced this thread on the AF forums, and they all went political on me, i thought it would be a way of acknowleging the greats of the game, but then they went all silly on me and started moaning that it would put peeps noses out of joint if they werent included........simple solution, dont be rubbish.
It depends on what you mean by rubbish, and what the rest of us mean by rubbish, being rubbishness by any rubbish standards means that by being rubbish, we can improve on the things we care to discard.....what im basically saying is that im talking rubbish, and would never impose rubbishness, on any simple person....i suppose ive just set myself high standards, i never put anyones work down, its all apart of the creative element that we all have in us.....ive plenty of rubbish in the bin LOL
You do realise that answer was complete rubbish? LMAO
Thats a good enough reason i guess...i suppose i fall into 6 of those categories lol