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What would you do if...

idk its not realy worth it
what wold you do if you didnt fell saf so you put metal on all of your entrances of your house then leaned that a rouge nuke was heading torwards your house!?!?!?!?!
SAFE* hello
You explode the doors with the fireworks that happened to be in your basement.Smile

What would you do if Shoot Da Whoop was going to fire has lazar at you?
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
Run Awayyyyyyyy!

What would you do if you won a Noble Prize for RCT3?
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
I would say "I would like to thank... myself."

What would you do if I pointed out that you used the rollercoaster from Microsoft Word for your avatar?
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
I would say, "You caught me!"

What would you do if you were forced to do ten years of hard labor?
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
I would be stronger than the guy on the Bowflex commercial.

What would do if I forced you to eat rocks?
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
I would kindly say, "No."

What would you do if you were not in RCTgo.
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
I would die of not having Whoppers and Big Macs of downloads.

What would you do if your username was upside-down?
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
I would PM Justin.

What would you do if you were banished from RCTgo.
3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
I would make a new account under a different E-Mail called Eknarf.

What would you do if your name was Eknarf?
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]

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