Sorry about not putting the pics up.
This is the back view of the coaster. Looks much better with the CS and all the scenery. There's one thing however that you can't see from the back view.
And that would be the hills. The hills create a really nice foot clipper which adds to the excitement of the coaster. Here you can see the whole coaster and you can also see why I would have problems custom supporting it.
It's kind of compacted into one space, plus I've never done custom supports before.
Here's what the runway looks like at night. If you look very closely, you can see that I completely forgot to put lights in other than the runways. More things I need to fix.
Now, as I said, if I try to do the supports myself I'll miserably fail. If anyone wants to help me with the supports, pm me and I'll give you the park download. I'll also give you credit in the description once I upload it. Here's the CS you need:
(EDIT) I have already deleted almost all of the supports. The reason Jcats Steelworx and Moby's Steel Jungle are needed is because I used the support killer from both.
Dasmatze's Instant Wood
Dasmatze's Industry Age Additons
Top Gun Theme Pack
1-23456's Saftey Guide Set (that's how he spells it, I did not make a typo)
Dasmatze's Industrial Age - Non rusty
Xistic's (Eddi22) Fokker Airplane V.2
Jcat's Steelworx
Moby's Steel Jungle
A-goodies for Coaster Set- Flat Part
Old Spice's Asphalt Quene Path
Also, if you can't find one, pm me and I'll give you it.