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I sent you the email, Justin.
[Image: Ardy.png]
^ Bout' what?
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
Why don't people know about this stuff?

[Image: AMUDExV.png]
I use Google Chrome, thanks for the link; I hardly use any other browser.
Add-Blocker, that was really convenient =)
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
(Sep 5, 2012, 04:08 PM)alexwohlbruck Wrote: Why don't people know about this stuff?


I'd really prefer if you didn't.
^ Its only a Google Chrome extension called: Add-Blocker, how is that wrong?
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
Websites display advertisements in order to pay for their expenses, like hosting. Blocking ads means that you are using our resources without "paying" your fair share. I know a lot of people do it, but that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.

I'm all for blocking excessive or obnoxious ads - those do no one any good. But the ones we are running really aren't that annoying, and there's only 2 per page.
If you can delete it LOL Smile
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
man rctgomatthew quit using: LOL Smile alot its starting to get annoying....
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Don't kill yourself kids!
I just know I hate adds. But with this extension I could make it so someones profile not show up at all. I do know there are websites that make it so that you have to disable Ad-block, but the advertisers don't have to know...
[Image: AMUDExV.png]

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