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A Humble Request To The Moderators

You can import an OVL file to Sketchup? OMG I'm going to try.

BTW, I have 445 sets installed on my RCT3 computer. I'll tell you, figuring out how it works is worth it. It's really not all that complicated either.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
Yea you can switch the ovl to an 3ds do you know how switch files..
Oh and if you want to be more advance imported to autoCad and you can add more detail... I don't know how to save the file from AutoCad to an Ovl but I know you can add more detail ...
[Image: logo_214894_web_zps05a2499c.jpg]
No. Tell me.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
Do u have the ASE exporter
[Image: logo_214894_web_zps05a2499c.jpg]
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
Ok when you open the file u should have an ovl. Click the main ovl then side click and change the ovl to an 3ds remember u need the full Version of Sketch up or it will not work..

If u do have the full version u should be able to just imported in with change the ovl..
[Image: logo_214894_web_zps05a2499c.jpg]
(Mar 13, 2013, 04:30 PM)rccoa coasters Wrote:
(Mar 13, 2013, 12:52 AM)evilthecat6600 Wrote: First off, to the RCT3 community, I mean no disrespect to CS users whatsoever, however I am getting extremely tired of downloading every piece of custom scenery users recommending and then game still crashing anyway.

CS is getting harder and harder to come by and I feel that it's not right for users to give you a list of CS and then game crashes anyway. It is, as such, that I would like to request, for the sake of the community, that a change be made to the site: Please ban the use of CS included in downloads.

People can still recommend CS to add to the rides, but I think downloads would be less problematic if CS was not allowed to be saved to the ride during the uploading process. Again, I don't expect any major change, however, I'm tired of trying to download rides I'd like to try out, and the game crashing, and I'm sure others are, so making this change would be appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

I agree.
but i'm thinking it should be "if you put a cs coaster on this website you must put a version without cs on the site"
You know I actually thought about that whole "CS and non CS" based stuff. The question is "Is it asking too much to duplicate"
No it's not at all difficult. What you'll need though is another disk or another system. On either you'll need a clean unadulterated installation of RCT3 and by that I mean the install needs to be as fresh as the day it was born, with no changes, add-ons, CS or anything.

Assuming the entrant will be building a park and submitting that with the ride they're submitting they will begin their entry as usual on the system/disk that has their pimped up, loaded version of RCT3. Using all the CS they desire, they will complete their entry as usual. Then they'll save their park. If this individual is using another system rather than another disk they'll also put a copy of this same park save on external media (CD, DVD, flash drive, external disk, etc.)

I'm sure we all prefer RCT3 resplendent in it's pimped up, loaded glory so I'll refer to a clean unadulterated install as a stripped install – it's less wordy and just sounds better.

Next they'll go over to the disk/system containing their stripped RCT3 install and, into the Parks folder they'll place the copy of the park they just saved (place the copy of the park into the Parks folder used by the stripped install). Next they'll launch the stripped version of RCT3 and open the park they've just saved in the 'stripped Park folder.' The park will open with nothing in it that wasn't originally installed with RCT3. There will be nothing to delete and end of CS problem because now they'll have a copy of their ride without CS. What the entrant will need to do now is to save this park while still in their stripped RCT3 game – this will be the no CS version for submission. This is a great way to do mass CS deletions because the non-CS park can now be used on your loaded pimped up RCT3 installation.

But getting back to the entrant, if they wish they can then add in-game scenery to their no CS submission but that really would be asking too much nor do I think it necessary.

Of course, if the entrant is submitting a CTR and they followed the above suggestions they'll end up with no ride and no CS in the stripped version of their submission so, to get around this, while still on their loaded pimped up RCT3 install, at the start of their ride entry when they're satisfied that the ride is completed to their satisfaction, they'll need to create a copy of their ride in a blank park prior to adding anything custom and save a copy of that as the no CS version.

Now we're still left with the problem of CTR's only being judged by those who can get them up and running so I believe the responsibility should fall on the CTR entrant to provide details of which folder the entrant has put each CTR file in along with a link leading to where they downloaded the CTR from. This would be helpful to our newbie members who may have no idea how to install a CTR, don't always know where to find the files into which to place downloads or may not know that sometimes a file with a .rar extension may need extracting with WinZip (and vice versa). If the entrant has used a MAC for their entry and someone with a PC doesn't get it then the entrant should consider themselves as available to promptly respond to queries – either that or post clear alternative instructions with their entry.
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Agreeeeeeee!!!! :P
Wanna see my creations? : Click Me | Latest upload: Lights Set 2
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(Mar 13, 2013, 12:52 AM)evilthecat6600 Wrote: First off, to the RCT3 community, I mean no disrespect to CS users whatsoever, however I am getting extremely tired of downloading every piece of custom scenery users recommending and then game still crashing anyway.

CS is getting harder and harder to come by and I feel that it's not right for users to give you a list of CS and then game crashes anyway. It is, as such, that I would like to request, for the sake of the community, that a change be made to the site: Please ban the use of CS included in downloads.

People can still recommend CS to add to the rides, but I think downloads would be less problematic if CS was not allowed to be saved to the ride during the uploading process. Again, I don't expect any major change, however, I'm tired of trying to download rides I'd like to try out, and the game crashing, and I'm sure others are, so making this change would be appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

I appreciate what you said and I used to be like that too. But I went to look at Belotto's Structures over at shyguys world, I loved them so much I went to get ALL the CS sets that the buildings required. That was about 4 months ago. On page 3 of the thread, there are links to all of the cs that was required. But some of the links are dead. It took me about a month to collect all of it, so I as able to use the buildings. Now I have 228 sets, and I use them for everything. It's really worth it. If you have any ideas about getting the cs, be patient. It'll take a while.

Heres the link to page three of Belotto's Structures. http://www.shyguysworld.com/index.php/to...25.60.html

Hope it gives you ideas!


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