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New Member introduction

I actually have been a member in the past but set up a new account. I have played roller coaster tycoon with the different variations ove rthe years. I am a coaster buff i real life and love building parks with the coasters to ride. My daughters also love riding the rides in RT3. I am trying to figure out the art of downloading the great designs on here and incorporating them into my parks. I would love to here from others experienced at downloading and using in our parks.
Welcome, sup, hi, hello, nice to meet you. ( you can choose one of those ).
hello! welcome to rctgo
[Image: 8lbd5Z7.png]
DorneyPark5 | Youtube | Twitter @PaulOrtegs
Check Out My Newest Creation: Solstice
Current No Limits Project: Velocity
Thank you for the welcome message.
Hi and thanks for becoming a member.

I am assuming you are interested in the many ride designs that are available. Most downloads will come with instructions for install. Sometimes the instructions can be found on the download page. Be sure and preserve directory hierarchy during extraction, follow any instructions exactly and to never change the name of any file.

If the install doesn't seem to work it's a good idea to remember that zipped files, by their nature, do not always download completely. Simply remove all the files you've installed, redownload the file and try again. As an added precaution you can take a copy of the folder you're about to install stuff into and put it in a safe place so it's there for back-up should you be unable to remember what you've put where.

Should it still not work when you post for assistance be sure and name the ride you are having trouble with in your post.
PM's to this member account are not monitored. Please direct all questions/comments here.

Thank you for the input on how to download, I will try your ideas.

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