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Hello Everybody.

Hi everyone! I am a complete RCT fan, mostly RCT2 though (My personal favorite). As, my signature says, I am attempting to bring real world coasters into the RCT world, particularly old wooden coasters. I have a soft spot for those. Here is a sampling of one of my current works (see if you can guess what it is)

[Image: 8801762748_d54fa1bb6e_c.jpg]
Looks good. No idea what ride it is but looks like it would be fun.
Welcome!! Smile and looks really good! Is it the Racer from Kings Island?? Wild guess
Click the picture to Check out my website!!

[Image: image_zps5debcdcc.jpg]
Why yes it is.
hi! Welcome to the forums! If you like roller coasters and RCT this is the place!!Biggrin lol

feel free to check out one of my (many) current projects:
Welcome to RCTgo. It is nice to see more RCT2 players here, I play all of the RCT games, 1, 2, and 3. However I really don't upload much from the first two games. Your re-creation of Racer looks really nice. I look forward to seeing more of your re-creations!
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
Very nice track. It would be great to ride it in RCT3. Welcome.
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