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Screenshot Contest Winners - Need some opinions

I was thinking, when you win the screenshot contest, all you really get is a "congrats". Not really rewarding much, of course somewhere along the road after 20 rounds, there's a big final voting round, but that's all. And last time it didn't get much attention.

So what do you guys think? What should be a good gift or something that makes you feel a little more special? Do you agree or disagree with what I said?

I wish there was some way to get a homepage spot for the winner without making this contest Justin's responsibility.

Don't be afraid to say anything. And don't feel bad if I don't use your idea, it all depends if I can fit it into my schedule or not.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
I know I didn't win the Screenshot Contest yet (didn't even try), but maybe you can make a "Screenshot Contest Hall of Fame" thread and put all the winners there, similar to how BuildIt winners end up in the BuildIt Hall of Fame. And then try to get Justin to make that thread a sticky, so it stays on top of the RCT Discussion forum forever. You could also affix a picture of a trophy into the lower right edge of each new winning screenshot, although including "You're Winner" would be disastrous because that meme means something other than "congratulations."
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Good suggestion.
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