I was approached by a good friend who works for GE and asked to help introduce a new and exciting way to generate power the GeVDG100X,
amazed I thought how can this be done ?
Hmmm.... i said lets build a ride and Static Electricity was born !
A Quad Lim Launched Rollercoaster completely powered by the new GeVDG100x standing over 580 feet in the air the reinforced titanium alloyed center collum supports the 4 COILS while inside its hollow allowing the complex of wiring cables and connections to be safely stored and concealed.
Special footwear a sort of inexpensive rain slipon is required due to Coronal discharges from the Induction Coils but on the bright side they do provide a spectacular special effect.
Extra staff will be needed to distribute and police this requirement. Cooling/cleansing is provided by 2 holding ponds , the smaller 2 are for show and balance. We will be showcasing power generation so operations will be run in the evening for maximum visual effect.
Excitement: 9.81 Intensity: 7.28 Nausea: 6.63 I hope you like it ( Joey my friend's son did
For information on hosting Static Electricity in your Park
Have your Park Managers contact: