Toro Furioso 6 out of 10
1.Bland but nice layout most woodies are bland.
2.I do not play no limits so i am limited on my opinion.
Thunderbird by chimalion70005: 8 out of 10
1.quite a few gliches knuckles missing ,a footer misplaced and no flanges but having just finished a track of this size i know how invisible those become when your nearing the end so solid work on supports.
2.Solid work with a good layout and foliage
3.You should have added lights it would have made the difference.
Superman (recreation) by richardye1:6.5 out 10
1."it was filler" says it all still a decent job and well worth considering
Siege Knight by nathan8848: 8.25 out of 10
1. while the cs is limited the focus is the layout an excellent job
2. good pacing throughout
3.accenting the layout with terrain paint and limited cs achieved very well
4.paint scheme could be better
I am voting....Siege Knight !!!
(THUNDERBIRD is my second choice)
Great Job all