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ThE FuTuRe Of CoAsTeRs???????

what do you think the future of coasters will be like???

i think in the future, coasters will be soaring as tall as 1,000ft, they will have even tenser inversions and HUGE drops, but the biggest boost i think is going to be the technology used to build and run them!!!
what do u think???
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
I dunno really, has every thing already been done?

I would say no, but what else can be done. Bigger, faster coasters, KK / TTD times 10. I think there will be development with the 4th Dimensional coaster, and the Sky Wheel. And most likely all the coasters in Wild will be built.

Who Knows What The Future Holds
i guess ur right, there isnt much else to be done, sure higher is better n everything, but i think also that new types of coasters will come out that won't even have to travrl a great distance to scare the pants off us
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Yeh true. Maybe a Standup Vertical Drop Coater :twisted:
What about a coaster, instead of a Stand-Up have a headstand one....get me
well we cant be sure, i bet there are hundreds of ideas ou there! I bet that about 60 years ago people would think that a coaster would never reach 200ft, never mind 456! who would ever have thought that we would have a vertical drop, or spinning seats, or flipping seats

there are hundreds of things which we couldn't even imagine but will come!

i hope to be one of the people who creates a brand newtype of coaster when im older! that would be cool (next to playing guitar in a rock band at Glastinbury)
[Image: atabanner.jpg]

well, whatever they build in the future, i'm gunna be there ridin it!!!
oh yeah!!
[Image: 11aaedg.jpg]
[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
Launched floorless coaster?
Launched stand-up coaster?
Underwater coaster?
There is a lot of possibilities.
endoftheworld Wrote:Launched floorless coaster?
Launched stand-up coaster?
Underwater coaster?
There is a lot of possibilities.

I can see the Launched Floorless Coaster being a sucess in the future. The feeling of being near the ground, no floor beneath you would be cool Biggrin
Could this be one????


[Image: mountainglider11di.jpg]
[Image: twilightzone1kf.jpg]

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