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Making a legit coaster company

You gota real realize when their money and easy ideas they take anybody.. We just got to be crazy about we make in trying to learn how to make CTR using sketch pad give me 4 weeks and ill get some pretty good designs down.. But I know I'm going to college for business and Mechanical business because I can learn how to run a business and Mechanical so I at least know how to design coasters but I think google sketch pad is the closes thing we got for making cars and we use rct3 and no limit just to Animate our work in tell we can get a good animation program. and I think this will work out even though we're young we have great ideas and I was thinking we can build up if you guys are down just to put our names out their that yea were kids and teenagers but we have passion you ill put money into this company if you guys stay Dedicated to building it up'...
[Image: logo_214894_web_zps05a2499c.jpg]
I appreciate your innovative ideas. Same kind of thoughts are moving around in my mind. I thought to establish a shipping company that deals with all kinds of freight services right from simple courier jobs to hot shot trucking. At this time, I succeeded to manage up to bikes, cars and pet shipping services. With more efforts and exclusive services, I will surely make some money making policies that will highlight me worldwide. Everything we need is good plan and enough money.
^^Where exactly would you get the money?

^A shipping company is much different from a coaster company. You have to put millions if not billions of dollars into it, I doubt he would be able to find that kind of cash as a teenager.
My first coaster-SooperDooperLooper at Hershey.

If you haven't ridden a Schwarzkopf you haven't lived.
(Jan 24, 2013, 09:17 AM)Kinderly Wrote: ^^Where exactly would you get the money?

^A shipping company is much different from a coaster company. You have to put millions if not billions of dollars into it, I doubt he would be able to find that kind of cash as a teenager.
Don't fight it let it go we found a shipping company Smile I also think it would it would be cheaper if we HQ in china everything we need is right their. And we can get supplies what we need really like iron steel ect. From Africa and china mostly china we don't have to have our own Construction team yet the park will have to provide that I'm looking up more construction and how are we going to get the money easy china government if we telling them that we making more that coaster such as trains they give out money but it would just be a Loco business in tell we can get a push and coaster and train work the same way so..
But the hard part I'm still think about what kinda cars for the company can we make up we have to created something. Original Or we go bankrupt and our pieces of the product must be cheap and what type of coaster do we sell to the Public we have to get that down and I just explain how we would make the money and ect. And it funny you guys want to do it because if you didn't you guys wouldn't keep positing I also Calculate how much money and I call some china steel company's and I made a simple B&M coaster on rct3 it coaster about 14k on rct3 ok I look up the costumer pays for everything they pay for the steel cars and ect. We have to find out how much we can spent on a buget steel and ect. In china is cheap ok but this the killer part I'm still trying to figer out how the f are we going to ship it... Right now money not an issue it the shipping part but like I said I don't know every detail yet I'm trying to build up my skills.
[Image: logo_214894_web_zps05a2499c.jpg]
Well you know how I would cost to get to china? Most likely, a lot. I don't want to crush your dreams here but it most likely wont happen.
[Image: yZzmSgV.png]
(Jan 23, 2013, 08:36 PM)alexwohlbruck Wrote: but I have school to keep track of right now.

you're in middle school, which means hardly anything when you get into high school.
face it kids, this isn't happening anytime in the future.
(Jan 24, 2013, 10:12 AM)nineflagsinc Wrote: Right now money not an issue it the shipping part

your whole post gave me a headache, but this pretty much caused it.... -__-"

how old are you?
when was the last time somebody said that 'money isn't an issue'? do you honestly think that shipping is free? and besides, where would we get the money to SHIP and BUILD a rollercoaster if its 'not an issue'?
I still think you're being overconfident with yourself. The only businesses that are started today are small businesses that handle minor things like catering, or making clothes. I know how business works, my grandmother owns a small business and it is very challenging. She has people calling her 24/7, at least 10 employees who work for pay, works in her own home, goes to the grocery store every day and spends at least $500 each visit. This is a SMALL business. What you want to build is a LARGE corporation, which would require so much more.
My first coaster-SooperDooperLooper at Hershey.

If you haven't ridden a Schwarzkopf you haven't lived.
^True that...
[Image: yZzmSgV.png]
^^ A large company would like to spend $500 maximum when shopping, but that never happens.

Also, what kind of business does your grandma own?
^She spends 500 because its a small business.
My first coaster-SooperDooperLooper at Hershey.

If you haven't ridden a Schwarzkopf you haven't lived.

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