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Theme Park Builder 3D, made by RCT Community Members- Free!

Some members of the RCT community are getting together to make a new, 3D, theme park game, without the lag of RCT3, and they plan to offer it for FREE!

They are calling it: "Theme Park Builder 3D" and they have a site up at http://www.tpb3d.com/

Some of the members on this project include Doctor J, who made the original RCT2 object editor, Jonwil, the creator of the RCT3 custom scenery editor, Sebar, who has made a slew of custom rides and scenery, and others!

They anticipate the work for this ambitious project will make the release date sometime in 2008, though thats a rough estimate.

The features of this game will include, but are not limited to:
- program language of C or C++ (so if you know this language, contact one of the people involved to offer your support!)
- "Building Generator" (not sure of the details yet)
- full 3D model scenery importation
- "Flat Ride Construction Set" with a "Sequencer" for flat rides like the Huss Jump that require special "start up" and "wind down" routines.
- Darkness by default within structures for true dark rides
- "Coaster Construction Set" (CCS) - includes creating your own coaster cars/trains, tracks, supports, and all can be saved and reused!
- Alignment Manager to numerically help align strutures, 3D objects, Rides, etc.
- Path Manager - make curved paths which peeps will actually follow. Also, repaint, widen or narrow your paths all with the click of a mouse, and import your own custom paths!
- Fireworks
- Stage Band
- Stage Show
- Water FX Mix Masters
...and that's just the start!

More info about this project is available at the RCT Space forums topic here.
[Image: twilightzone1kf.jpg]
What brave souls. Souns cool though!
[Image: 2v2d0uv.png]
Hope this works out.
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Yeh didnt we have a simerler thing happen with coaster madness. Shame to say it seemed to be all talk and no action, Hope the outcome of this is diffrent.
Lol! (basically what i have 2 say)

Im going to keep quiet on this, i thought it would happen when Ken Allen started it, atleast he has experience in the games industry.

Some how i can see this more of a what Sebar wants, Sebar gets and what ever he says, will happen!! I cant see this working out some how, c'mon, look at their website!

Ill shut up now, but dont get your hopes up.

PS, i can also see some legal stuff happening regarding this project and some one wanting to make some money out of it!

I will shut up now, Bye Smile
This is the same like coastermadness it will never work!!
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
To be fair, i could see Coastermadness working and beign released. This i dont!
I don't see it working for a number of reasons:

1) Things like this hardly ever work.

2) It's a huge project, and unless any of them have had experience making coaster games before I can't see them making it super perfect.

3) They aren't getting paid, and with the amount of work involved they'll probably begin to wonder why they are wasting their time and give up.

4) Olmec is a member of their forums.
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
I can see why this wont work out too. Theyll probrably give up.
[Image: 2v2d0uv.png]
The time has truly come for rct4....Come on Chris Sawyer, pull your finger out of your ??? No cheap imitations please!!

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