^^Thanks stay tuned for more!!!!
November 1972
Hey this is David Gordon and man do i have an update for you. Our motto for no on is "Progress". The people at AAI are now for how fast they produce and the quality of the product they produce as you can see bellow!!!!!
This is an overview of our completed Main Gates, park offices, guest relations and other Center Street buildings. All are works in progress of course!!
Here is an overview of our some what completed Entrance Plaza. It is still in need of a few minor tweaks but we will get it right before opening day!!!!
Our parking lot is finally completed paved and ready to go but its still missing something hmmm....Oh yeah that's right cars!!! They will be here soon enough!!!
At the very beginning of Center Street on the left side of our entrance building we have our park office. This is where all of MBG business will be handled and its also where i will start my day every day I'm here at MBG!!!!
On the right side we have our Guest Wellcoming Center still a WIP.
Park maps, Umbrellas, and park information will be available here.
Phone Calls and cash withdrawls will be also available here..
Our Guest Relations building is coming along quite nicely if i do say so my self. This is where stroller rentals, locker rentals, lost and found, missing persons, and photoshop will be located.
Hmm this building should have been a bit bigger. Note to self "self this building will have to grow with the park" Noted!!!
Here is a shot of some of the greenery starting to pop up on Center Street..
Trying to put the Gardens in Meadowbrook Gardens sort of speak!!!!
Here is a overview of our gift shop.Nothing to big nothing to Fancy but it will get the job done!!!
I am so proud of this building here. Dubbed THE SNACK SHOP (S&S for short).
Even though it a WIP I'm allready in love with this building. Maybe its the colors,or the design, or just the overall feel when you walk in i don't know really. Call me weird i guess...
S&S will serve snack foods like icecream, cotton candy, and fountain drinks to the public.I allready know I'm going to spend many a lunch here!!!!
I can not wait to see the guest faces when they walk in to S&S.Man I'm loving this place..
These next two images are brought to you by KINO ENTERTAIMENT INC(KEI for short).
The people over at KEI have been working at a strong steady pace to get our theater equipment up and ready to go.I just have one small worry. Why did they not focus on the outside building first. Don't wont anything to hapend to all that expensive equipment.
What am i saying where insured to the tee. If any thing happen it all will be replaced.
I sill hope they know what there doing we do not need any set backs!!!!!!!
I sneaked a look at the main screen from one of the many seats in the theater while the KEI boys where at lunch. Its quite a view i can not wait until there finished. Its going to be amazing!!!!!! End of KEI news!!!!
Okay now here is where were you as a viewer get involved. This is our MeadowBrook Train Station.
Here is a nother view of the station and its Court yard.
Side view.
Loading Platform view..
Okay I'm really not to proud of this station and want you guys as viewers to post your opinion
You have 3 choices
A leave it like it is
B Tweak it a little so it will look better
C Demolish completely and start fresh even though this will set us back months.
AAI as well as me would really appreciate your opinion as future park guest and your opinion is important, its your park after all!!!!!!!!
Well i leave you with an overall view of our progress. See you next time and don't forget to post your opinion of the Meadowbrook Train station!!!!