I had a cool idea for a bobsled circling down a mountain for the Build-it a few months ago, but it was too slow and the mountain was bad.
Do you still have the track design?
No I do not. Now that I think about it, it was a body slide.
That makes think of a question. Are Water slides available for the build-it competition or would I have been disappointed that it isn't allowed?
I have many projects I started and either went back to later and realized I didn't like them or finished and just never posted videos. However there is one that comes to mind that I wish I had finished. I started this huge park wide ride going through different disaster zones, the 1st being flooding, then to an active volcano area, then finally to a tornado section. I spent several months with building, tearing down, and rebuilding. Finally finished the actual tornado using smoke effects and some brown walls. I was somewhat pleased with how the finished tornado looked at a distance but up close it looked kind of, well like brown walls and smoke lol! Gave up after that and sadly never took any screenshots or video. It's still on my other desktop (boxed up). Need to unbox it and see what all parks I have from years ago. Hope everyone's having a great day!